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Tickets und Veranstaltungen von Speedy Ortiz in Österreich 2024
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- Tickets und Veranstaltungen von Speedy Ortiz in Österreich 2024
Schließen Sie sich den Musikliebhabern an und sichern Sie sich Ihre Tickets für das nächste sensationelle alternative rock-Konzert.
Wenn du bist scharf auf rock music, besonders alternative rock, dann "Speedy Ortiz" für dich bestimmt. Lies weiter auf dieser Seite, um mehr über Speedy Ortiz zu erfahren.

Das Bildplakat unterliegt dem Urheberrecht von Ticketmaster.
“Ranch vs. Ranch” by Speedy Ortiz from Speedy Ortiz's new album ‘Rabbit Rabbit’ out now (Wax Nine Records)
Stream / Download / Buy: https://speedyortiz.lnk.to/rabbitrabbit
Hi8 footage by Andy Molholt
Shot at Rancho de ...la Luna (Joshua Tree, CA) & Sonic Ranch (Tornillo, TX)
Edited by Sadie Dupuis
featuring Anna Arboles, David Catching, Joey Doubek, Sadie Dupuis, Andy Molholt, Sarah Tudzin, Audrey Zee Whitesides, Maeby & Zeus
Produced by Speedy Ortiz & Sarah Tudzin
Engineered & mixed by Sarah Tudzin at Rancho de la Luna & Sonic Ranch
Additional engineering by Sadie Dupuis & Jon Russo
Mastered by Emily Lazar & Chris Allgood at The Lodge
Sadie Dupuis - guitar, vocals, synth, bedpan guitar
Audrey Zee Whitesides - bass
Andy Molholt - guitar, synth, organ
Joey Doubek - drums, percussion
By god I swallow when it’s in my face rather than hawking out a spit-take taste. Replace my predecessor, overblown. No little bunny wears a rabbit skin coat.
Bee sting started me transforming, crawling out of my skin till I came out kinda great. Fly by, killer on the night sky. Wings an invocation. Come on baby, sting back.
Not every videotape needs rewinding. Up to your neck, misidentified. Hector the leader till he’s lobbying hard. Why should a puppy drink the hair of the dog?
Bee sting started me transforming, crawling out of my skin till I came out kinda great. Turnstile, terminate my old self. Fuck off, my cackle shimmers like some crystal. Fly by, killer on the night sky. Hit me with your best try.
Circle the differences between the pages. Sometimes the image really is the same. A little lambchop resists the pull. It’s not the sheep who’s gotta sport the wool. So what’s the takeaway fit for my tongue? Let’s split the legwork and need not run. It isn’t luxury you need to float. No little bunny wears a rabbit skin coat.
Bee sting started me transforming, crawling out of my skin. Look, I came out kinda great. Fly by, killer. Fly by, killer. Fly by, killer. Fly by, killer killer.[+] Show More
Speedy Ortiz is an alternative rock band from Massachusetts. The band was formed in 2012 by Sadie Dupuis, former lead shredder of Brooklyn trio Quilty, while she was pursuing an MFA at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. The group independently released two singles and an EP before releasing their debut album Major Arcana on Carpark Records in 2013. The album was warmly received, and Pitchfork Media deemed the album "Best New Music."
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Das Bildplakat unterliegt dem Urheberrecht von Ticketmaster.
Beliebteste Videos von Speedy Ortiz
Speedy Ortiz - "Ranch vs. Ranch" (Official Music Video)
Stream / Download / Buy: https://speedyortiz.lnk.to/rabbitrabbit
Hi8 footage by Andy Molholt
Shot at Rancho de ...la Luna (Joshua Tree, CA) & Sonic Ranch (Tornillo, TX)
Edited by Sadie Dupuis
featuring Anna Arboles, David Catching, Joey Doubek, Sadie Dupuis, Andy Molholt, Sarah Tudzin, Audrey Zee Whitesides, Maeby & Zeus
Produced by Speedy Ortiz & Sarah Tudzin
Engineered & mixed by Sarah Tudzin at Rancho de la Luna & Sonic Ranch
Additional engineering by Sadie Dupuis & Jon Russo
Mastered by Emily Lazar & Chris Allgood at The Lodge
Sadie Dupuis - guitar, vocals, synth, bedpan guitar
Audrey Zee Whitesides - bass
Andy Molholt - guitar, synth, organ
Joey Doubek - drums, percussion
By god I swallow when it’s in my face rather than hawking out a spit-take taste. Replace my predecessor, overblown. No little bunny wears a rabbit skin coat.
Bee sting started me transforming, crawling out of my skin till I came out kinda great. Fly by, killer on the night sky. Wings an invocation. Come on baby, sting back.
Not every videotape needs rewinding. Up to your neck, misidentified. Hector the leader till he’s lobbying hard. Why should a puppy drink the hair of the dog?
Bee sting started me transforming, crawling out of my skin till I came out kinda great. Turnstile, terminate my old self. Fuck off, my cackle shimmers like some crystal. Fly by, killer on the night sky. Hit me with your best try.
Circle the differences between the pages. Sometimes the image really is the same. A little lambchop resists the pull. It’s not the sheep who’s gotta sport the wool. So what’s the takeaway fit for my tongue? Let’s split the legwork and need not run. It isn’t luxury you need to float. No little bunny wears a rabbit skin coat.
Bee sting started me transforming, crawling out of my skin. Look, I came out kinda great. Fly by, killer. Fly by, killer. Fly by, killer. Fly by, killer killer.[+] Show More

Now Playing
Speedy Ortiz - "Ranch vs. Ranch" (Official Music Video)
“Ranch vs. Ranch” by Speedy Ortiz from Speedy Ortiz's new album ...
“Ranch vs. Ranch” by Speedy Ortiz from Speedy Ortiz's new album ‘Rabbit Rabbit’ out now (Wax Nine Records)
Stream / Download / Buy: https://speedyortiz.lnk.to/rabbitrabbit
Hi8 footage by Andy Molholt
Shot at Rancho de ...la Luna (Joshua Tree, CA) & Sonic Ranch (Tornillo, TX)
Edited by Sadie Dupuis
featuring Anna Arboles, David Catching, Joey Doubek, Sadie Dupuis, Andy Molholt, Sarah Tudzin, Audrey Zee Whitesides, Maeby & Zeus
Produced by Speedy Ortiz & Sarah Tudzin
Engineered & mixed by Sarah Tudzin at Rancho de la Luna & Sonic Ranch
Additional engineering by Sadie Dupuis & Jon Russo
Mastered by Emily Lazar & Chris Allgood at The Lodge
Sadie Dupuis - guitar, vocals, synth, bedpan guitar
Audrey Zee Whitesides - bass
Andy Molholt - guitar, synth, organ
Joey Doubek - drums, percussion
By god I swallow when it’s in my face rather than hawking out a spit-take taste. Replace my predecessor, overblown. No little bunny wears a rabbit skin coat.
Bee sting started me transforming, crawling out of my skin till I came out kinda great. Fly by, killer on the night sky. Wings an invocation. Come on baby, sting back.
Not every videotape needs rewinding. Up to your neck, misidentified. Hector the leader till he’s lobbying hard. Why should a puppy drink the hair of the dog?
Bee sting started me transforming, crawling out of my skin till I came out kinda great. Turnstile, terminate my old self. Fuck off, my cackle shimmers like some crystal. Fly by, killer on the night sky. Hit me with your best try.
Circle the differences between the pages. Sometimes the image really is the same. A little lambchop resists the pull. It’s not the sheep who’s gotta sport the wool. So what’s the takeaway fit for my tongue? Let’s split the legwork and need not run. It isn’t luxury you need to float. No little bunny wears a rabbit skin coat.
Bee sting started me transforming, crawling out of my skin. Look, I came out kinda great. Fly by, killer. Fly by, killer. Fly by, killer. Fly by, killer killer.[+] Show More
Stream / Download / Buy: https://speedyortiz.lnk.to/rabbitrabbit
Hi8 footage by Andy Molholt
Shot at Rancho de ...la Luna (Joshua Tree, CA) & Sonic Ranch (Tornillo, TX)
Edited by Sadie Dupuis
featuring Anna Arboles, David Catching, Joey Doubek, Sadie Dupuis, Andy Molholt, Sarah Tudzin, Audrey Zee Whitesides, Maeby & Zeus
Produced by Speedy Ortiz & Sarah Tudzin
Engineered & mixed by Sarah Tudzin at Rancho de la Luna & Sonic Ranch
Additional engineering by Sadie Dupuis & Jon Russo
Mastered by Emily Lazar & Chris Allgood at The Lodge
Sadie Dupuis - guitar, vocals, synth, bedpan guitar
Audrey Zee Whitesides - bass
Andy Molholt - guitar, synth, organ
Joey Doubek - drums, percussion
By god I swallow when it’s in my face rather than hawking out a spit-take taste. Replace my predecessor, overblown. No little bunny wears a rabbit skin coat.
Bee sting started me transforming, crawling out of my skin till I came out kinda great. Fly by, killer on the night sky. Wings an invocation. Come on baby, sting back.
Not every videotape needs rewinding. Up to your neck, misidentified. Hector the leader till he’s lobbying hard. Why should a puppy drink the hair of the dog?
Bee sting started me transforming, crawling out of my skin till I came out kinda great. Turnstile, terminate my old self. Fuck off, my cackle shimmers like some crystal. Fly by, killer on the night sky. Hit me with your best try.
Circle the differences between the pages. Sometimes the image really is the same. A little lambchop resists the pull. It’s not the sheep who’s gotta sport the wool. So what’s the takeaway fit for my tongue? Let’s split the legwork and need not run. It isn’t luxury you need to float. No little bunny wears a rabbit skin coat.
Bee sting started me transforming, crawling out of my skin. Look, I came out kinda great. Fly by, killer. Fly by, killer. Fly by, killer. Fly by, killer killer.[+] Show More

Now Playing
Speedy Ortiz - Ghostwriter
“Ghostwriter” by Speedy Ortiz from Speedy Ortiz's new album ‘Rabbit ...
“Ghostwriter” by Speedy Ortiz
from Speedy Ortiz's new album ‘Rabbit Rabbit’ out now (Wax Nine Records)
Stream / Download / Buy: https://speedyortiz.lnk.to/rabbitrabbit
Director: Alex Ross Perry
Producer: Jessica DiMento
DP: Robert Kolodny
Editor: Cody Duncum
Lighting ...Designer: Onur Gul
Production Designer: Chazz Foggie
Art Asst: Harrison Kroessler
HMUA: Paige Campbell
BTS Photographer: Emilio Herce
Location: Nublu
Wardrobe for Sadie & Audrey: Find Me Now
Jewelry: Natasha Roach
Metal consultant: Gregory Hans Karlowitsch
Announcer: Josh Gondelman
Sadie Dupuis
Andy Molholt
Audrey Zee Whitesides
Joey Doubek
Special Thanks:
Ilhan Ersahin
Brandon Lamont
Zoë Brecher
Paige Campbell
Spencer Compton
Amber DaSilva
Bernie Daroux
Will Feinstein
Emilio Herce
Emily Hughston Hoffman
Eric Jaso
Merritt K
Jason Adam Katzenstein
Dylan Kiely
Rax King
Nate Lamagna
Nicola Leel
Ted Leo
Kate Meizner
Marshall Moran
Mitch Myers
Clare O’Kane
Emily Panic
Spencer Peppet
Hal Phillips
Nicole Porter
Ben Silver
Kira Skye
Amy Rose Spiegel
Andy Waldron
Katie Way
Gabrielle White
Produced by Speedy Ortiz & Sarah Tudzin
Engineered & mixed by Sarah Tudzin at Rancho de la Luna & Sonic Ranch
Additional engineering by Sadie Dupuis
Mastered by Emily Lazar & Chris Allgood at The Lodge
Sadie Dupuis: guitar, vocals, synth
Audrey Zee Whitesides: bass, acoustic guitar
Andy Molholt: guitar, synth
Joey Doubek: drums, percussion
Song of the wandering idiot’s our song. The criminal element left some stones unturned, their coats in my car. For every river a drawbridge, for every motion an adjective. Every nickel I’m dimed, water logging my slime.
How to grow up? Lately I don’t really push much. I’m tired of anger. How to move on? Even comets are staying in one spot. I’m tired of anger.
Lickety split, got lost components. So I get tight with customer service, take a backwards road, say thank you with omens. For every white lie I got a gray one and a reason for every failure. Every nickel I’m dimed, I just take it offline.
How to grow up? Lately I don’t really push much. I’m tired of anger. How to move on when the ocean is coming up strong? I’m tired of anger. How do I let go? Yank a dandelion and blow. I’m trying, I’m trying. Trying.
http://vevo.ly/6dqfEa[+] Show More
from Speedy Ortiz's new album ‘Rabbit Rabbit’ out now (Wax Nine Records)
Stream / Download / Buy: https://speedyortiz.lnk.to/rabbitrabbit
Director: Alex Ross Perry
Producer: Jessica DiMento
DP: Robert Kolodny
Editor: Cody Duncum
Lighting ...Designer: Onur Gul
Production Designer: Chazz Foggie
Art Asst: Harrison Kroessler
HMUA: Paige Campbell
BTS Photographer: Emilio Herce
Location: Nublu
Wardrobe for Sadie & Audrey: Find Me Now
Jewelry: Natasha Roach
Metal consultant: Gregory Hans Karlowitsch
Announcer: Josh Gondelman
Sadie Dupuis
Andy Molholt
Audrey Zee Whitesides
Joey Doubek
Special Thanks:
Ilhan Ersahin
Brandon Lamont
Zoë Brecher
Paige Campbell
Spencer Compton
Amber DaSilva
Bernie Daroux
Will Feinstein
Emilio Herce
Emily Hughston Hoffman
Eric Jaso
Merritt K
Jason Adam Katzenstein
Dylan Kiely
Rax King
Nate Lamagna
Nicola Leel
Ted Leo
Kate Meizner
Marshall Moran
Mitch Myers
Clare O’Kane
Emily Panic
Spencer Peppet
Hal Phillips
Nicole Porter
Ben Silver
Kira Skye
Amy Rose Spiegel
Andy Waldron
Katie Way
Gabrielle White
Produced by Speedy Ortiz & Sarah Tudzin
Engineered & mixed by Sarah Tudzin at Rancho de la Luna & Sonic Ranch
Additional engineering by Sadie Dupuis
Mastered by Emily Lazar & Chris Allgood at The Lodge
Sadie Dupuis: guitar, vocals, synth
Audrey Zee Whitesides: bass, acoustic guitar
Andy Molholt: guitar, synth
Joey Doubek: drums, percussion
Song of the wandering idiot’s our song. The criminal element left some stones unturned, their coats in my car. For every river a drawbridge, for every motion an adjective. Every nickel I’m dimed, water logging my slime.
How to grow up? Lately I don’t really push much. I’m tired of anger. How to move on? Even comets are staying in one spot. I’m tired of anger.
Lickety split, got lost components. So I get tight with customer service, take a backwards road, say thank you with omens. For every white lie I got a gray one and a reason for every failure. Every nickel I’m dimed, I just take it offline.
How to grow up? Lately I don’t really push much. I’m tired of anger. How to move on when the ocean is coming up strong? I’m tired of anger. How do I let go? Yank a dandelion and blow. I’m trying, I’m trying. Trying.
http://vevo.ly/6dqfEa[+] Show More

Now Playing
Speedy Ortiz - Plus One
“Plus One” by Speedy Ortiz from Speedy Ortiz's new album ‘Rabbit ...
“Plus One” by Speedy Ortiz
from Speedy Ortiz's new album ‘Rabbit Rabbit’ out now (Wax Nine Records)
Stream / Download / Buy: https://speedyortiz.lnk.to/rabbitrabbit
Directed, shot, edited & animated by Dylan Mars Greenberg
Starring Speedy ...Ortiz
Additional miniature construction by Hex Harris
Introducing Dylan’s pet rabbit Voodoo
Produced safely within a familiar environment and without any harmful elements to rabbits
Live action band footage shot at Explode Studios
Wardrobe styling for Sadie & Audrey by Untitled in Motion
Produced by Speedy Ortiz & Sarah Tudzin
Engineered & mixed by Sarah Tudzin at Rancho de la Luna & Sonic Ranch
Additional engineering by Sadie Dupuis
Mastered by Emily Lazar & Chris Allgood at The Lodge
Sadie Dupuis - guitar, vocals, synth
Audrey Zee Whitesides - bass
Andy Molholt - guitar, synth, piano
Joey Doubek - drums, percussion
Three weeks you lived next door, and only now just thought to float your head around, ask me what’s up. All the puzzle pieces laid out in the street, soaked in the acid rain, trampled by both our feet.
Go on without me now, a tattoo on your back. Cotton swabs and vinegar sometimes take the scratch out. Meant a lot to you, once upon a ride. But I’m on the ground tonight.
Songs are for telling and records for show. Stole my split necklace half to see where I’d help you go. The other piece, it doesn’t fit where I hoped.
Go on without me now, a tattoo on your lip. Sucker punched to pucker up, can’t forget the swelling. Meant a lot when you were hauling a long con. When I say long, I mean so long.
Don my petticoat. Lace around my throat holding up my head, no good thoughts in it.
Day trip to the lakeside with sick in your mouth. Share it with playboys whose names you still can’t get down. Yellow bellied, sunning to white. All the puzzle pieces don’t change how you like.
Go on without me now. A tattoo on your thigh taught you to put one foot first. How’s the other, lagging behind? Said a lot when you stayed backstage for the show. Call me when you need a plus zero.
http://vevo.ly/SzwhlT[+] Show More
from Speedy Ortiz's new album ‘Rabbit Rabbit’ out now (Wax Nine Records)
Stream / Download / Buy: https://speedyortiz.lnk.to/rabbitrabbit
Directed, shot, edited & animated by Dylan Mars Greenberg
Starring Speedy ...Ortiz
Additional miniature construction by Hex Harris
Introducing Dylan’s pet rabbit Voodoo
Produced safely within a familiar environment and without any harmful elements to rabbits
Live action band footage shot at Explode Studios
Wardrobe styling for Sadie & Audrey by Untitled in Motion
Produced by Speedy Ortiz & Sarah Tudzin
Engineered & mixed by Sarah Tudzin at Rancho de la Luna & Sonic Ranch
Additional engineering by Sadie Dupuis
Mastered by Emily Lazar & Chris Allgood at The Lodge
Sadie Dupuis - guitar, vocals, synth
Audrey Zee Whitesides - bass
Andy Molholt - guitar, synth, piano
Joey Doubek - drums, percussion
Three weeks you lived next door, and only now just thought to float your head around, ask me what’s up. All the puzzle pieces laid out in the street, soaked in the acid rain, trampled by both our feet.
Go on without me now, a tattoo on your back. Cotton swabs and vinegar sometimes take the scratch out. Meant a lot to you, once upon a ride. But I’m on the ground tonight.
Songs are for telling and records for show. Stole my split necklace half to see where I’d help you go. The other piece, it doesn’t fit where I hoped.
Go on without me now, a tattoo on your lip. Sucker punched to pucker up, can’t forget the swelling. Meant a lot when you were hauling a long con. When I say long, I mean so long.
Don my petticoat. Lace around my throat holding up my head, no good thoughts in it.
Day trip to the lakeside with sick in your mouth. Share it with playboys whose names you still can’t get down. Yellow bellied, sunning to white. All the puzzle pieces don’t change how you like.
Go on without me now. A tattoo on your thigh taught you to put one foot first. How’s the other, lagging behind? Said a lot when you stayed backstage for the show. Call me when you need a plus zero.
http://vevo.ly/SzwhlT[+] Show More
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